This is a membership Morsel from “Too Young to Retire”. Today, we are looking at things to contemplate this summer.
Picture this, you just turned 50, your thinking “now what?”
Are you planning on retiring some day? Have you ever given it a thought that life is like a cookbook?
You know the old time ones that listed ingredients but not amounts, or cooking time or said to mix it till it looks right?
The appetizer phase is from birth to 22. It gives you a flavor of things you can experience and prepares you for the difficulties ahead.
The Entrée and side dishes would be your life from 22 up to 65. You have your career and family and do all the things that you have to to prepare for retirement.
Then comes dessert. This should be the best 60 and beyond.
Some people choose dessert first before they look at the entrees – lots wait till after they finish the entrée.
If you make it to 65 you will probably make it to 100.
So what dessert are you making for your life?
Will it be another career?
Will it involve adventures?
Will it involve building a business?
Will it involve helping watch children?
Whatever you choose do it with purpose. Start planning when you turn 50 and explore all that is possible. Its never to late or to early to start.
By being part of the 2 Young 2 Retire you will learn what these strategies are.
There are so many things you will learn that you should never run out of options. Sign up for our classes, join in the discussion and become part of our community about life after working at