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Course Development Second Post

I am finding doing the interviews about the course development is going to be harder than I thought. The topic I want to teach on has to do with retiring and your post retirement career.

That could be starting a business, having a new career, volunteering creating a legacy or even raising your grandchildren. As I have been talking to people it seems that all their planning is financial.

Very little has to do with lifestyle or goals after retiring. Most don’t even think about what retirement will be like till after they retire.

Its like they are treading water till they reach that magic age, leave their job and then start to figure out what they want to do.

A couple of people I have talked to recognized that no matter how much you save it will probably run out at some point and you will be struggling to maintain the lifestyle you have been used to.

Some of them have positioned themselves to have a new job / employment that continues to give them income both active and passive so they can live the life they always have.

I am rethinking what the course will be about and I will talk to you again on Friday and let you know where I am going. I believe most people have a rough idea of what they might want to do when they retire, but its so vague that they never fulfil that dream.

If you want to participate in this process of creating a course please send me an email at

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